Migrating from Voyager to Nitro

Migrating from Voyager to Nitro is a straightforward task and won't require more than 10 minutes of effort. Follow the steps given below to migrate your existing codebase from Voyager to Nitro:

API Migration

Step 1) To fetch the quote from the pathfinder API, change the PATH_FINDER_API_URLchange the endpoint from "quote" to "v2/quote" and remove userAddress and feeTokenAddres from the params.

// Voyager
const PATH_FINDER_API_URL = "https://api.pathfinder.routerprotocol.com/api"

const fetchPathfinderData = async (params) => {
    const endpoint = "quote"
    const pathUrl = `${PATH_FINDER_API_URL}/${endpoint}`

const params = {
        'fromTokenAddress': '0x2791Bca1f2de4661ED88A30C99A7a9449Aa84174', // USDC on Polygon
        'toTokenAddress': '0x04068DA6C83AFCFA0e13ba15A6696662335D5B75', // USDC on Fantom
        'amount': '10000000', // 10 USDC (USDC token contract on Polygon has 6 decimal places)
        'fromTokenChainId': 137, // Polygon
        'toTokenChainId': 250, // Fantom
        'userAddress': 'YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS',
        'feeTokenAddress': '0x16ECCfDbb4eE1A85A33f3A9B21175Cd7Ae753dB4', // ROUTE on Polygon
        'slippageTolerance': 2,
        'partnerId': 0, // get your unique partner id - https://app.routernitro.com/partnerId

// Nitro 
const PATH_FINDER_API_URL = "https://k8-testnet-pf.routerchain.dev/api"
const getQuote = async (params) => {
    const endpoint = "v2/quote"
    const quoteUrl = `${PATH_FINDER_API_URL}/${endpoint}`

const params = {
        'fromTokenAddress': '0x2791Bca1f2de4661ED88A30C99A7a9449Aa84174', // USDC on Polygon
        'toTokenAddress': '0x04068DA6C83AFCFA0e13ba15A6696662335D5B75', // USDC on Fantom
        'amount': '10000000', // 10 USDC (USDC token contract on Polygon has 6 decimal places)
        'fromTokenChainId': 137, // Polygon
        'toTokenChainId': 250, // Fantom
        'slippageTolerance': 2, // optional
        'partnerId': 0, // get your unique partner id - https://app.routernitro.com/partnerId

Step 2) Add another function getTransaction() to fetch the transaction data using the quote returned by the pathfinder quote endpoint. Here, you need to add the senderAddress, receiverAddress, and the refundAddress.

import { ethers } from 'ethers'

const PATH_FINDER_API_URL = "https://k8-testnet-pf.routerchain.dev/api"

const getTransaction = async (params, quoteData) => {
    const endpoint = "v2/transaction"
    const txDataUrl = `${PATH_FINDER_API_URL}/${endpoint}`


    try {
        const res = await axios.post(txDataUrl, {
            senderAddress: "<sender-address>",
            receiverAddress: "<receiver-address>",
            refundAddress: "<refund-address>" // optional, by default senderAddress will be treated as the refundAddress
        return res.data;
    } catch (e) {
        console.error(`Fetching tx data from pathfinder: ${e}`)
const main = async () => {
    const params = {
        'fromTokenAddress': '0x2791Bca1f2de4661ED88A30C99A7a9449Aa84174', // USDC on Polygon
        'toTokenAddress': '0x04068DA6C83AFCFA0e13ba15A6696662335D5B75', // USDC on Fantom
        'amount': '10000000', // 10 USDC (USDC token contract on Polygon has 6 decimal places)
        'fromTokenChainId': 137, // Polygon
        'toTokenChainId': 250, // Fantom
        'partnerId': 24, // get your unique partner id - https://app.routernitro.com/partnerId

    const quoteData = await getQuote(params);

    // get transaction data via the Transaction endpoint
    const txResponse = await getTransaction(quoteData); 

    // sending the transaction using the data given by the pathfinder
    const tx = await wallet.sendTransaction(txResponse.txn)



In Voyager, the pathfinder API used to return the transaction data along with the quote. However, in Nitro, the data is prepared via a separate endpoint.

SDK Migration

  1. Initialization

Earlier -

import { RouterProtocol } from "@routerprotocol/router-js-sdk"

const routerprotocol = new RouterProtocol("YOUR_WIDGET_ID", "SOURCE_CHAIN_ID", "PROVIDER_HERE")
await routerprotocol.initialize()

Change to -

import { Pathfinder, Env } from "@routerprotocol/asset-transfer-sdk-ts";
const pathfinder = new Pathfinder(Env.Testnet, YOUR_WIDGET_ID);

Install new sdk with npm or yarn npm install @routerprotocol/asset-transfer-sdk-ts

  1. Quote & Transaction

Earlier -

const quote = await routerprotocol.getQuote(...params)

Change to -

const quote = await pathfinder.getQuote({

// execute quote handles approval as well
const transaction = await pathfinder.executeQuote({
    slippageTolerance: "1",
    senderAddress: evmSigner.address,
    receiverAddress: evmSigner.address,
  1. Status

Earlier -

const status = await routerprotocol.getTransactionStatus(SRC_TXN_HASH)

Change to -

const status = await pathfinder.getTransactionStatus(SRC_TXN_HASH);

Last updated